Wednesday, May 9, 2007

The main causes of (Globale Warming):

For me I believe the human activities are the major cause of global warming, to approve that before inventing cars and making factories etc... our planet was without global warming. At the same time, as everybody now the natural life have a rule to balance climate in our planet. Although, we can not forget the deforestation, pollution and CO2 in atmosphere on the other hand there are natural things which cause the global warming such as, volcano, forest fires and natural disasters.


Abdulaziz said...

i agree with you in this subject. human activities is the main cause of global warming.They should find a solution !!!

SALEH said...
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SALEH said...
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SALEH said...

Hello, Abdulaziz I am happy that you are intrest in my bolg,in addition you have good questiones that show me that you are intrest in this subject.
To answer your question, pety Takreer is producing some green-house gas,but because it is the best company in the world they are trying to reduce the harmful gases such as H2S.Takreer already sendthe H2S to special proces which will change it to solid condition in seeds size and then sale it instead of burn it,so Takree help to reduce the global warming in the same time gain money from the worest gas H2S.

Yaqoub said...

Hi Saleh

In your opinion what is the major effects of global warming and you don't think the Nuclear weapons activities is the main cause of global warming and the earth planet is going to be after 100 years?