Thursday, May 10, 2007

Pollution is the main cause of >>Global Warming<<.

Everyday, our factories, cars and human activities are making pollution which harms earth. From this pollution there are new layer appear in the atmosphere known as (Green house) which is produced by a lot of carbon dioxide, which gone to make the layer which in the top of atmosphere thicker. This expansion of the layer will not allow the sun waves to go out of our planet more than before. This is increasing the temperature more in our planet.


Abdulaziz said...

hi saleh

do you think that using unleaded gas oil for cars will be helpful?


Ahmed said...

hi saleh..

I also agree with you that Pollution is one of the main causes of global warming. But how can we reduce it and what can we use to tell the world a bout the problem and help to save our planet..?

SALEH said...

For Mr Abdulaziz,I think by using hydrogen energy is more helpful more than ULG for our environment which is simply coming from (H2O).


Mr Ahmed I have good news for you which will answer your question.
There will be a post nearly about how can we reduce global warming.