Sunday, May 27, 2007

Individual Action

In the United Arab Emirates all oil companies are forced to reduce carbon dioxide by giving new strict rules. After that Carrefour Center is starting to give recycled bags which cause two dirhams and you will get grantee in it forever. Also UAE released many advertisements about using the water and electricity carefully. Finally, one of the good things I have learned is to use new type of bulbs called Energy Saving Lamps as a good away of saving energy. Also UAE started to use solar energy to supply traffic light.

What I have learned?

Currently, I know what does global warming mean also I have learned how to use blogi also I learned how to create my own blog . Although it is a good and easy way to improve your English grammar and writing. In addition, you can make communication between you and others friend.

Global warming and UAE.

In the world countries there will many problems regarding to climate change in the next 50 to 100 years if countries do not make the most of the incentives on offer to oil-producing countries by the oil countries to bring down their carbon emissions. However, (in the UAE, Saudi Arabia and Iran are in the top 50 countries in carbon emission. Iran ranks 18th, Saudi Arabia 22nd and the UAE is 43rd). After this research we have to find ways to reduce the carbon emission otherwise our beautiful islands will disappear.

Monday, May 21, 2007

The most important effect of Global Warming

As every body knows nowadays we have a lot of changes in our climate. However, a climate change is an effect increase in global Average Ocean and air temperature. Although, melting of ice which increase sea level. Over the last 50 years human activities is one of the main caused. On the other hand the natural disaster such as volcano, earth earthquakes and tornados.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

###Here is all the effect of global warming###

There are many effects in global warming, but I will mention the most important ones. First, there are increasing in the temperature. Secondly, there is rising in a sea level, which is a result from melting of icecaps, and significant worldwide climatic changes.

Pollution is the main cause of >>Global Warming<<.

Everyday, our factories, cars and human activities are making pollution which harms earth. From this pollution there are new layer appear in the atmosphere known as (Green house) which is produced by a lot of carbon dioxide, which gone to make the layer which in the top of atmosphere thicker. This expansion of the layer will not allow the sun waves to go out of our planet more than before. This is increasing the temperature more in our planet.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

The main causes of (Globale Warming):

For me I believe the human activities are the major cause of global warming, to approve that before inventing cars and making factories etc... our planet was without global warming. At the same time, as everybody now the natural life have a rule to balance climate in our planet. Although, we can not forget the deforestation, pollution and CO2 in atmosphere on the other hand there are natural things which cause the global warming such as, volcano, forest fires and natural disasters.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

What is the Global Warming?

Nowadays, all of us have heard a bout the global warming, which is how our planet is getting dramatically changing in temperature, which is in increasing. In this essay, I will talk about the most important problems facing the world today.First as we know from the statistics and from studies as example Al Gore studied that the temperature in the earth increasing today more than any time in the history. Why it is risen more, I will say because of many reasons such as the increase in the number of population as a result increase in the number of cars and use a lot of fossil fuels. All of that will effect the Green house by produce a lot of carbon dioxide, which gone to make the layer which in the top of atmosphere thicker. This expansion of the layer will not allow the sun waves to go out of our planet more than before. Because of it today we have many places the water in it is decreasing as example the lake in Darfore that, disappear today and other places like north pole, which is starting to melt.

Thursday, April 12, 2007


One of the most dangerous things that I have done in my life is lifting a snake, which is weighed more than 50 kg with my dad. When I went to America with my dad who was trained me for a marathon three times a week add to that I had to drink a cup of milk before going to the bed and after waking up. One day, he impressed me by giving me marathon T-shirt with a number one on it. On the marathon day I mentioned that everybody was laughing at me because I was the shortest runner add with that the number I was wearing. In the end I ran 8 km in 37.8 minutes, I got the first place and left the running cup in TEXAS. In future, I think I will break the time record by new time in 8 km running.